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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Wilfling???? DigiBooks? the future is now...do you think?

Interesting read on the Guardian  by Sam Leith http://t.co/jqG95GC  in respect to the future of the electronic manuscript.
 My reply is in their website for the Guardian. Briefly, I stated that the printed book as we know it will be around for some time, I'm confident. The new ( I coined a new word here- forgive me because it is explanatory in short what we are talking about) "Digi-Pub" will more than likely replace the printed media because of several reasons but most relevant-the cost by comparison. Second the convince for authors. Today, I can complete my 300 page manuscript and have it copy edited, proofed and formatted in a week. I can then upload it to several distributors or publishers who in turn will market ( limited, but exposure is exposure) the story. I can also in that same week have the .Epub format copied over to a 1 G master flash drive along with reference photographs for my story, some short trailers for the story and perhaps two, maybe three (free) short stories for the purchaser to d/l --transfer from the drive. All for less than what the printed media would cost. Probably one sixth of that cost according to my most recent comparisons. The second difference is, the time to market. While I am preparing the Digi-Pub  for distribution, IE: cover story for the bubble pak, point of purchase display racks for airport terminals, Sams,Cosco,Wal Mart, etc, the printer starts on his process. By the time I get the first printed book for approval, the Digi-Pub and related stories have been in the distribution channel for months.
The UK is trailing the US in respect to book sales on the electronic platform. It was quoted that Epub slaes in the UK lst month were only 14% that of printed media. Stats from B&N and other news sources quoted that Epub slaes--for the second straight month, outsold the printed media in the US.

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